How to stage your home for a quick sale

Posted: 22/05/2023
Woman photographing furniture

Selling your home can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation and a little help from the team at Shortland Horne, the process can be a lot smoother. If you’re wanting to sell your home quickly, effective staging can be a powerful tool to attract buyers and increase the perceived value of your property. With that in mind, here are some tips on how you can stage your home and get your house market-ready:


The first step is to declutter the space. Trust us, a clutter-free home will give the illusion of more space and make it easier for buyers to imagine themselves living there. And remember, de-cluttering will also mean you have less to move into your new home – so win, win for everyone. 


While your home needs to look lived in, it’s vital that potential buyers are able to picture themselves living there. Having every wall or shelf space bursting with family photos and personal memorabilia might appear overwhelming. Instead, place the odd photo around your home, to create a warm and welcoming environment. 


A clean house is essential to attracting buyers. Take the time to deep clean your home – and that includes carpets, windows and walls. Remember, clean surfaces (especially in the kitchen) are key to generating interest when selling your home. 

Carry out repair work

You know those broken light fixtures you’ve been meaning to repair? Or those cracked walls? This is your sign to get your toolkit out. Small repairs can make a big difference to the overall appearance of your home. 

Create a neutral colour palette

While bright colours and bold patterns might be what you like, they can easily turn off those looking for their next home. If you want a quick sale, then creating a neutral colour scheme throughout your home will help make it more appealing to a wider range of buyers. Plus, using more neutral tones will allow buyers to imagine themselves living in the space without being distracted by bold colours and prints.

Showcase the best features in your home

Every home has its own set of unique features – whether it’s the marble-top island in your kitchen, a cosy log burner or a beautiful countryside view. Highlight these features by appropriately arranging furniture to draw attention to them. For example, if it’s the view you want to showcase, then place furniture and accessorise effectively to make sure it’s the focal point in the room. 

Create a welcoming environment

Once you’ve got potential buyers through the door into your home, that’s when the real sales pitch begins. Here are five of the best ways you can go about creating a welcoming environment:

  • Adding vases of fresh flowers to brighten up the space
  • Play some soft background music to create more of an ambience 
  • Get the smell right – think scented candles or fresh baking
  • Add fresh linen and towels throughout the bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Use throws and cushions to ageing furniture

Tidy up the outside

Don’t forget about the outside of your home – and that means front and back. The front of your property is the first thing potential buyers will see when they visit, so make sure it’s looking neat and well-kept. That means no broken gnomes or overgrown bramble bushes. Equally, give your back garden a tidy-up too. Consider adding a few potted plants or flowers at the front and back, to make the space more welcoming. 

Are you ready to put your home on the market?

You might be thinking, is staging and properly preparing your home worth it? In short, the answer is yes. Not only will staging your home help you sell more quickly but you could see your property fetch up to 10 per cent more in price. Surely it’s a no-brainer?

If you’re ready to put your property on the market or are looking for your next home, then contact Shortland Horne. We are an award-winning team of property experts based in the Midlands, committed to supporting your move every step of the way. Contact Shortland Horne today.